Food Pantry
We offer food assistance for all people in need that live in the Adel, DeSoto, Minburn and Van Meter School Districts, and those with Redfield, Linden and Dexter addresses.
Clients can shop for food once every 30 days. Food allotments are based on family size and are approximately 7-10 days worth of food. Non-perishable items are available, along with meat and dairy when available. Personal care items such as deodorant, toothpaste, toilet paper and some household items are also given throughout the year (upon availability).
Anytime Food
The Good Samaritan Food Pantry participates in food rescue thanks to the generosity of local store and volunteers. Food items vary, but often include bread, pastries, sandwiches, burritos and other perishable items. Fresh produce is also available. Clients are welcome to pick up “Anytime Food” during our regular hours and can visit more than once a month.
Kids Programs
- Backpack meals provide meals to students in grade K-12 that are food insecure on the weekends. Without anyone knowing, school personnel quietly puts the meals into the Backpacks of each child K-5. At the 6-12 level, students stop by a designated area to put their meals into their Backpacks.
- School personnel ensure that no student feels humiliated or embarrassed about receiving this blessing.
- Contact your school if you would like your child to receive these weekend meals. No proof of income is required.
- We are delivering approximately 120 weekend packages each week.
- During the 2022/2023 school year, an average of 556 backpacks were sent home with children each month.
- During the summer months, Kids Food Packs are available and include seven breakfast items, seven lunch items, and seven snacks.
Thanksgiving Program
We offer a “Thanksgiving Basket” in November to families in need. Families must sign up in October to be eligible to receive a basket during their regular monthly pantry visit in November. Please call (515) 478-3760 to sign up.
How You Can Help: